blank'/> Skinny Jeans Ahead: 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

menu monday

Oh good lawd I am sick.  The kind of sick where I just want to crawl into bed, drink a bottle of NyQuil and sleep for at least 48 hours.  To add to my every growing list of things i under appreciated as a kid...sick days.  When you're a parent, or even just an adult...there is just no such thing.  You have to keep trucking. 

What started as a yucky pink eye, on our drive home none the less, has morphed into what feels like strep throat nastiness.  Such great adjectives huh. :) Anyway, isn't it just my luck that right when I'm planning on getting back on track that I would look at feel like death?  Saturday I was seriously ashamed going grocery shopping, big pink puffy eye and all.  This is real life though, and real life doesn't take breaks.  

So here is my plan for the week.  I am a creature of habit and typically have the same thing for breakfast all week.  This week is going to be Pina Banana Colada Smoothies.  

I love SkinnyTaste, and have yet to eat a recipe from Gina's site that I didn't enjoy! 

I'm an Organized Junkie

I only plan meals for 5 days of the week, and to be honest, except for mondays, all the other meals are kind of transferrable.  We live really close to both of our families and they often ask us over for dinner at random.  Also, I leave those two days open to eat left overs.

So that's my starting plan...also, back to My Fitness Pal for me, going to track ALL of this and the rest of my meals! Add me if you'd like to see what I'm eating on the daily.

For now I leave you with the tastiest pizza I have EVER had.  Pera from Pizzeria Limone - olive oil base, sugared pears, garlic, red onions, prosciutto, 5 cheese, pistachio & bagel...I mean literally a slice of heaven!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

On being 28

1. Get under 200lbs
2. Run a 5k 
3. Travel with my husband to a new state 
4. No soda (starting 7/13)
5. Learn to use my camera better
6. Learn how to use Lightroom 
7. Have more really
8. And beyond that, spend intentional time with my husband
9. Paint again
10. Organize and declutter every room in our house
11. Volunteer again
12. Less pinning, more doing 
13. Grow into a great social worker
14. Read a new book every 3 months
15. Be intentional with my friendships 
16. Potty train my little 
17. Enjoy all the things reno has to offer
18. Go on an adventure every month 
19. Track on MFP for a whole year (starting 7/13)
20. Explore Nevada
21. Be able to do the monkey bars
22. Spend more time with my grandma
23. Join a moms group
24. Work on changing my mentality of all in or none in 
25. Take time for myself, aka pedicures
26. Join and commit to my gym classes
27. Buy less quantity and more quality 
28. Love without boundaries 

28 goals for the next year. I am such a goal setter, it literally makes me giddy thinking and writing down things I want to accomplish. Sometimes I do it even weekly. 

We are on our way back from the beautiful Salt Lake City, and have had a week full of fun, with beautiful memories made. Tomorrow we are celebrating my birthday with my family, and then Sunday funday happens, and I am going to adhere to my diet goals!

Hang in there lovelies. And have a great weekend. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

today is the first day of my life

well...28 years ago anyway.  that song by bright eyes is one of my favorites, i think i sing it on the daily, because really, isn't every day the first day of the rest of your life?

today is my birthday, and my official blog birthday too.  i wanted something to reflect my years, so the timing just felt right.  don't judge, because i'm going on vacation...and probably won't post for a week.  bad timing or excellent timing...since if you're going to know me, you are going to know i love to travel.

right now we are on our way to visit some sweet friends in Salt Lake City, i am soo very excited to get there, and get out of the car.   traveling with an almost two year old who has never quite bonded with her car seat is kind of miserable.  we've done this drive before, and we've loaded my husbands phone with plenty of mickey mouse clubhouse (hot dog!) because it is long...and deserty...which isn't a word, just pretend okay.

so, why a blog?  because one of my character flaws that i'm learning to embrace is that i'm balls to the wall...or nothing at all.  This last year i've focused on losing weight and went from 270 down to 228 at my lowest! badass right?  except the month of june may or may have not been a stumbling block and i'm afraid to get back on the scale.  i am a slippery slope, one bad day and i might as well just make it a bad week...and in this case month.  i am, by no means, proud of this.  and thats why i want to change.  i want to change my relationship with food, my relationship with exercise, and most of all change my mind!  i'm hoping by holding myself accountable through blogging that i'll be a stronger me.

join me, would ya? lets be the best we can be together!